Our Cities are getting Smarter

Our Cities are getting Smarter

Our machines have become smarter, our lives have become smarter, can the cities be left far behind?

September 2020

Our machines have become smarter, our lives have become smarter, can the cities be left far behind? Smart Cities have been around for a couple of decades trying to slowly inch towards improving our lives. The advent of the smartphone culture has really put this concept to the forefront. Now it is no longer the stuff dreams are made of but is a fledging reality which is out there for all of us to see.

So, what is this elusive ‘X’ factor that makes your everyday city a Smart City? It is coming together of all the Data, the information and technology in the right proportion which serves us the perfect dish – ‘Smart City’. When we say data, it is the real-time data, which adjusts to the citizen’s needs and moods and ensures that the ecosystem is always balanced. Gathering this data is essentially where the technology comes into play. But raw data in its original form is absolutely useless, we need to work on it, analyze it and then draw the necessary outputs from it to be able to add any value. And finally, it is about the people, the end-users who need to adopt and adapt this new way of life.

We call it the 3 Principles of Smartness: People, Technology & Data Analytics.

What are the solutions?

We operate at two levels: Technology and Data Analytics and we believe that with the right technology and the right application, it is just a matter of time for the End-Users to adapt. As a company, we are Technology agnostic, we use the latest and the best that is available for a specific requirement. We do not enforce our technology choices on our end Customers. We are happy to use what is available and add on to it. Technology without Data Analysis is a mobile phone without a network.

This is where we fit in like a glove. Analyzing the real-time data and getting the right outcomes is what makes all the difference.

Would it be easier with some examples?

  • Huge Real-time signboards which provide weather forecasts, traffic updates, construction closures on roads, easing the traffic by diverting the cars to lower density roads upfront.
  • Having access to super-fast and free Wi-Fi and charging points at strategic locations throughout the city for better connectivity.
  • Solar powered streetlights which can be used as EV charging stations.
  • A local Parking app which helps a driver find a parking space near his final destination.
  • A health monitoring app which collates all his health data at a central location which enables caregivers to give the right treatment at the right time.
  • A bike-sharing app which helps towards a sustainable, cleaner city.
  • A water and electricity management app which ensures the optimal usage of the city’s resources.
  • A predictive maintenance app which ensures all the critical equipment of the city are serviced before a major breakdown.
  • Safety features like CCTVs integrated with the local security system to ensure a safety of the citizens.
  • And many, many more……